Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hardworking are rewarded

 Hi, my dear viewer's and follower's please stay connected. I look for the same support from you. Here is a message letting you know Hardworking are rewarded. Now for the hard working and steps towards to reinstate financial stability and Global Peace Mr. Barack Obama awarded Nobel Prize.
Once up on a time there was a poor servant girl, who was industrious and loved cleanliness. Everyday she dusted the house and shook out the sweepings on the great heap before the door. One morning, just as she was going to throw them away, she saw a letter lying among them, and as she could not read, she put her broom in a corner, and took it to her master. It contained an invitation from the elves, asking the girl to stand god mother to one of their children. The girl did not know what to do, but at last after much consideration, she consented, for the little men would not easily take a refusal. So there came three elves, who conducted her to allow mountain where they lived. Every thing was very small of course, but all more neat and elegant than one could tell. The mother lay in a bed of ebony studded with pearls, and the coverings were all wrought with gold; the cradle was made of ivory and the bath was of gold. The girl stood godmother, and afterwards wished to return home, but the little elves pressed her earnestly to stay three days longer. At the end of the time she prepared to return home, but first they filled her pockets with gold and then led her out of the hill. As soon as she reached the house, she took broom, which still stood in the corner, and went on with her sweeping; and presently out of the house came some strange people, whop asked her who she was, and what she was doing there. Then she found that it was not three days, as she had supposed, but seven years, that she had passed with the little elves in the hill. But now she had enough gold, to spend the rest of her life in peace.

The story teaches us;
“people who are hardworking, are rewarded in the end.”

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